London Belgravia Group


Commercial LDI: Is it worth having?

Almost 4,500 construction businesses fell into significant financial distress in the third quarter of 2020. This has served to strengthen the view that any contractor can be at risk, and as such, owners and funders should look to add as much protection to their investment as possible.

Commercial Latent Defect insurance (LDI) mitigates the risk posed by a contractor’s refusal and/or inability to return to site. In addition to this, it can be extended to cover loss of rent as a result of a defect, meaning that investors’ returns can also be protected in this situation.

Are you working with unrated latent defects insurers?

Over the last three years, a number of unrated insurers operating in the building warranty and latent defects market have been placed into liquidation or run-off. Latent Defect policies last for 10 or 12 years, meaning it’s even more essential to check the quality and financial standing of the insurer underwriting the policy

Combining leverage and service: Campbell Buchanan George, Fairfield Meadows

For its stunning Fairfield Meadows development, Campbell Buchanan George chose London Belgravia Group to act as independent brokers for the project’s structural warranties and to help streamline all requirements during the build and certification.

Watch this video to learn how we assisted Campbell Buchanan George in sourcing an A-rated, competitive, and comprehensive structural warranty cover, and why our customer service throughout the construction stage and at completion helped ensure a smooth handover.